
The Run up to the Sail Down

Survey complete, decision made, papers tomorrow at Rock Hall, MD and VIBRANT will be ours.

Sound so simple...

But what about all the professional details that press everyday and now have to be juggled with sailing?  What about the two proposals due in the next two weeks?  What about trying to scrounge up a crew to help sail VIBRANT from Rock Hall to her new homeport in Colonial Beach on the Potomac?  What about learning all the systems?  What about planning the trip?  What about financing?  What about a new slip?  Insurance?  What about...what about...what about!!!!


OK, crew layed on - brother of a guy I sing in choir with.  Someone to look after the dogs and ride up with us to Rock Hall and drive the car back over the weekend, check.  Charts, check.  Dig out old nav tools from Academy days...wow I have drug those all over the world with me and still have them!  Download VHF channels, study the Atomic 4 webpage religiously.  Finish up the required VA boaters course (what a pain in the patoot that was - the focus is on how much time you spend on each page - there's a timer on each page for crying out loud - as much as on subject mastery.)  Insurance - check.  Financing - check.  Colonial Beach slip - check.  Someone to look after dogs so Eva can come - BIG check.  She's coming along.  How great is that!

Talk to Phil, the owner, about turning the grease cup, lub oil, last oil change, speed of advance under sail, and Phil patiently and carefully answers each every question.  He even goes to Rock Hall to make sure the head is functioning after the winter lay up and has to disassemble and reassemble the pump.  He also makes sure the autopilot is rigged and functioning.  How do you thank an owner, especially one getting ready to relinquish command of their pampered pet, who has gone way beyond the extra mile to make this transfer of ownership an enjoyable experience?  wow...Phil I promise to take care of VIBRANT like you and if I ever sell her, your example will  be my guiding star.

Last night it hit both Eva and I what we were about... and as we lay in bed and talked quietly through our concerns and, yes, fears.  Should we postpone, should we get another crew, can we do this?  Finally, she said, "Andy I feel the same way I felt before flying out to Turkey and Israel to come visit you.  I have no frame of reference for what's about to happen and all I have to hold on to is you.  If you're OK, then I'll be fine."  Talk about deeply sobering.  Eva is literally placing her life in my hands once again.  wow...Eva...wow

Worked through the charts again this morning and am more confident than ever that we can do this.  Will have to move our departure up to Friday afternoon and make it down to Annapolis or maybe Shady Side.  The weather reports are fantastic - cool weather today, tomorrow and Saturday.  Heats up on Sunday and Monday so we'll have to keep an eye out for afternoon thunder bumpers.

Still have to pack...

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